Real talk? A lot of Gamers™ will condemn abusive crunch when it's a company they already dislike, but turn around and defend those same abuses from companies who makes games they like. Far too few care that crunch is a serious industry problem, only that it can be used as ammo.
EA put Bioware through hell to make Anthem? Boooo!

Epic getting more "bodies" after 80 hour work weeks result in stress casualties? BOOOO!

CDPR promised no crunch only to reneg on that? Now wait just a minute, clearly you don't understand what it takes to make a game in today's
It was a disgusting shame back when the EA Spouses thing happened, flagrant abuse of employees with total disregard for their health and well being, and it's an increasing shame that it's allowed to continue, be it Ubisoft or Rockstar or Naughty Dog... Crunch is always wrong.
It's not something permissible when your faves do it!

Either you care about the health of talented developers and artists and everyone else working in games, or you don't. But don't be selectively outraged at the Epics and EAs of this world, only to pretend it's dandy otherwise.
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