#Debates2020 is right off the beat designed to pit the two candidates against each other. The first question was a call for battle.
Biden is doing a great job of not falling for Trump's rhetorical gimmicks, and dodging dangerous threads with verbal strategies like switching to "By the way"
Trump doing a great job of maintaining frame despite the pressure from the moderator asking him to stop so that he can ask his question. Also dodging the lack of a plan to replace ACA in the 4 years he campaigned for it
Trump attempting to derail Joe Biden by gnawing at his points before he made them. I am apalled.
Moderator doing a great job at maintaining flow of debate so far. It's 9:20PM. Biden is speaking directly at the camera telling everyone to vote.
"Will you shut up, man" is giving me major callbacks to this.
The Covid segment is coming up. Oh God. This will be messy.
Biden openly jabbing at Trump's inability to let him go a full time slot without interruptions by muttering "Good Luck" before accusing Trump of having no plans pre-COVID.

"He panicked"
Trump responding that if they had "listened to Biden" and saying his plan saved thousands of lives and repeating "President Trump did a phenomenal job...You didn't do very well at swine flu."
Joe Biden points at the 14,000 deaths during H1N1. Speaks into the camera and calls on those who have "an empty seat at the dinner table" due to the Pandemic.
What I can't unsee is that Trump is perpetually leaning over because he's wearing heels in his shoes...?
Biden pulling out the receipts, pointing out that the man standing on that stage also told the public to inject bleach into our bodies as a treatment for COVID-19 cases.
Trump raising conspiracy theories of closing the country to contrast the "opening" of the country. Contrasts the fact that he doesn't wear a mask as often as Biden. Contrast extends to Trump's big outside rallies vs. Joe having small circles indoors.

Narrative of poles ensues
"We built the greatest economy in history and then the China flu came around - we closed it down and we reopened it. He will shut all that down...You gotta open these states under siege. This guy will destroy our country."
Biden: "Billionaires have done very well during this pandemic...they focus on the market and you focus at home.

They have done nothing for us to open safely."
Trump demands time to reply to say "I brought back football...people in Ohio are very proud of me."

It's worth noting that Biden speaks at the camera while Trump faces the moderator and Biden we speaking, but virtually never the camera.

It's 9:42PM. $750 dropped.
Trump says he has paid millions in taxes and highlights money he received from the Obama administration.

"You are the worst president this country has ever seen," exclaims Joe Biden while looking down from the camera.
Joe Biden explaining the numbers of the tax code Trump passed that he is promising to dismantle. Trump dishes out "but I got it done...without that tax code we will have the greatest recession we have ever seen."

Biden recalls the strong economy of the Obama era - Trump denies
"China ate your lunch."
Constant interruptions by Trump while Joe Biden is speaking. Moderator attempts to defuse, and Joe Biden exclaims "You can't get anywhere with this clown."

Moderator emphasizes the 2 minute slots and rules of debate and alludes to an upcoming question about race.

Oh, boy.
The question is "why should the people trust you over the other candidate to resolve the racial issues in this country?"
Biden calls to values of unity and equity, recalling history, and recent events. As expected of Biden.
Trump refers to a previous Crime-related legislation where Biden apparently called black people "Super Predators." Says that Biden's radical-left supporters have him "wrapped around their fingers."
Trump says that critical theory ideas supporting racial sensitivity programs as "bad for the country" to justify pulling support from them.

Joe Biden says the complete opposite is true - that some people "look down on others for [being different]."

It's 10:02PM. I'm tired.
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