Let the lies begin...

Yeah. Notre Dame is certainly renowned as a bastion of liberalism. 🤣

And Joe is already laughing at Trump's stupid ass.
A majority of Americans believe the winner of the election in November should nominate the next SCOTUS justice.

If the GOP was confident that Trump was going to win, there'd be no reason to rush a nominee through. That's the bottom line.
Trump is already lying about the number of American's with pre-existing conditions and that Joe's healthcare plan will destroy private insurance, which is a big whopper of a lie.

Joe Biden is a socialist. 🤣

Trump can't keep his mouth shut and won't stop interrupting.
Trump says if Joe was president 2 million people would have died of COVID-19, rather than just 200,000.

Trump cannot stop interrupting. He's even interrupting Wallace & won't let him finish. He's such a no-class garbage human.

And his bronzer is off the charts tonight.
He's now in a pissing contest with the moderator. This is hilarious.
And now he's throwing a tantrum like a big fat baby saying that he guesses he's debating Wallace instead of Biden and "that's fine... not surprised."

Wallace interrupts Trump because he's not answering the question and pivots to Biden.
Joe is explaining his healthcare plan, while Trump interrupts and brings up Bernie.

Oh, now Trump just showed his racist ass by dropping Pocahontas into his mumblefuckery for no reason whatsoever.

Wallace keeps telling Trump to stop interrupting. Trump keeps interrupting.
Trump is lying about keeping pre-existing condition protections. There's no way I can type fast enough to keep up with his lies. And I type really fast.

Trump just keeps vomiting out words and none of it makes any sense at all.
Wallace laughs that this section was supposed to be about the SCOTUS.

And he's right to laugh. I had forgotten what this section of the debate was even supposed to be about.

Trump won't shut the fuck up.

Joe Biden: "Will you shut up, man."
Biden: "Quit yappin', man."

So... this is going just great so far.
Joe now throwing out accurate COVID-19 statistics that Trump will definitely lie about when it's his turn to talk.

I can't believe he's actually keeping his fat face hole shut. Biden is still talking about how Trump has no plan, never had a plan and still doesn't.
Joe: "Get out of the bunker and get out of your sand trap... quit golfing...".

Trump: "It's all China's fault."
Trump just said Democratic governors said, "President Trump did a phenomenal job... we're weeks away from a vaccine... we have done a great job...".

It's the press's fault that Trump doesn't get the credit he deserves.

Joe Biden tries to speak, Trump continues interrupting.
Trump keeps insisting far more people would've died if Biden had been president.

Fact check: Biden put out statements about what needed to be done about COVID-19 in January (he didn't bring that up, I did... because it's true).
Trump is insisting he's spoken to pharma companies and swears that they can have a vaccine a lot sooner, but the Democrats want more people to die... or something.

And his guy is both wrong and right about the vaccine being available in October... or something.
Trump keeps making promises about a vaccine that anyone with half a brain knows isn't gonna happen.

Wallace brings up Kamala saying Trump will muzzle his public health experts, trying to make it sound like she said to not trust scientists. She never said that.
Trump interrupts again saying the vaccine will be done sooner.

He's now attacking Joe and basically calling him dumb. Trump is trying to pivot to the economy coming back and Wallace shuts him down fast.
Question to Joe about being more reluctant to reopen everything.

Trump interrupts again.

Joe is getting irritating and came *this close* to telling Trump to just shut the fuck up.
Joe is doing a great job keeping his cool. I swear, I'd have thunderpunched Trump right in the larynx by now.

Trump says DEMs want to keep everything shut down until after the election to make him look bad.

Wallace asks about masks. Trump acts like he's fine with masks.
Back to Biden on the best way to reopen and specifically about masks. Joe, again, throws out more stats about the number of lives masks could save.

Trump interrupts to throw Fauci under the bus and say he told everyone not to wear masks.
Wallace asks Trump about endangering lives with rallies. He makes it clear he doesn't give a shit how many people die and starts bragging about tremendous crowds. Trump says they've had no problems.

Joe needs to bring up Herman Cain dying right now, but he won't.
Now on to the economy.

Trump starts bullshitting about the best economy ever... blah, blah, blah... China plague... 2 million would be dead if Joe was president, because Joe wouldn't have shut it down... then somehow Joe would now shut it down again... mumblefuckery FTW.
Trump says Joe will shut down the whole country and everyone will die of alcoholism and a bunch of other nonsense. People can do whatever they want.
Joe brings up Trump paying $750 in taxes, Trump tries to interrupt, Wallace shuts him down.

Joe pivots to essential workers and half of states having increasing COVID-19 infections. Joe slamming the administration for failed COVID response & forcing states & schools to open.
Trump just said New York is "so sad... like a ghost town."

And we have Trump to thank for Big 10 football coming back.

Wallace now asking about the $750 in income tax. Trump is now saying he pays millions and we'll all see the taxes "after they're done."
Trump says he paid millions in income tax in 2016 and 2017. Now blaming Biden for him not paying more in taxes, because Democrats passed the tax laws... basically acting like only an idiot doesn't try to weasel out of paying taxes.
Trump is spraining his shoulder patting him on the back for being the best president in the history of the country and Joe is a big piece of shit who has never accomplished anything in 47 years.
My fingers don't move as fast as Trump's firehose of a face hole and there's no way I can possibly live tweet all the mumblefuckery as it falls out of his gaping maw.

Joe is now answering a question about his spending plan over the next 4 years.
Wallace points out that there were more jobs created in Obama's last 3 years than in Trump's first 3. Trump spinning that old yarn about lower taxes creating jobs, which is absolute bullshit.

Joe says Trump blew a booming economy. Trump interrupting again.
Joe pointing out he saved the auto industry.

Trump claims Ohio & Michigan had their best years every last year.

Joe now on to trade deals and trade deficits.

Trump now talking shit about Hunter... some chick in Russia gave Hunter millions and demanding to know what for.
Trump will not keep his mouth shut. And is now going on in on the Hunter Biden thing. Joe keeps saying it has been discredited. Trump won't shut the fuck up. Wallace keeps telling Trump to zip it and Trump won't STFU.

Joe just called Trump a clown & immediately apologized.
Trump won't shut up and keeps saying "3 and a half million dollars" over and over and over and over again.

Wallace trying to shut him down and getting angry. Chris Wallace raising his voice. Never seen him quite so out of sorts as he is right now. He's very frustrated.
Wallace tells Trump he has to stop interrupting. Trump says, "Him too." And Wallace basically says he's full of shit and needs to stop interrupting.
Now on to race issues. Joe calling Trump out for stoking racism. Joe mentions the "very fine people on both sides" and Trump tries to interrupt, claiming he never said that, even though we say it all with his own eyes.

Joe now slamming Trump for hiding in the bunker.
Joe brings up how COVID-19 has killed 1 in 1000 black Americans.

Trump's turn. Brings up the Crime Bill. Says they've never forgiven him. Trump is their savior... he's letting them out of jail now. Trumps says black people loooooove him.
Trump now bragging about law enforcement endorsing him, which is a pretty odd thing to bring up when the question was about race.

Trump now talking shit about Portland, Chicago and Seattle being run by radical leftists. Law & order... American people want law & order.
Question from Wallace about Breonna Taylor and whether there's a different justice system for black people vs. white people.

Joe answers in the affirmative, giving good law enforcement officers credit while demanding justice & holding law enforcement accountable.
Trump interrupts saying cities are burning hellscapes and Democrat dystopias.

Wallace asks why Trump ended racial sensitivity training. Trump says it's racist and they were training people that America is a horrible place and to hate it... asking them to do crazy things.
Joe answers why racial sensitivity training is important. And he's right. Of course.

Trump says there was tremendous racial division during the Obama/Biden administration and Democrats have run cities and turned them into violent hellscapes.
Biden has statistics... throws out numbers. Trump just says shit that is provably false.

Wallace calls Trump out on murders going up in places like Fort Worth. Trump pivots to Chicago... keeps yelling that Joe won't say LAW & ORDER... our suburbs would be gone with Joe.
Joe says this isn't 1950 and those racist dog whistles don't work anymore. Joe says the suburbs are in trouble due to things like climate change, not crime.

Joe being asked about reimagining policing and BLM call for community-based policing. Joe says NO to defunding police.
Joe talking about adding support for law enforcement needing social services on calls to deescalate situations to prevent police from having to use force.

Wallace now on to putting a stop to protests. He's making it sound like it's ALL violent and riots... disingenuous.
Trump keeps interrupting. Joe pointing out the Trump gins things up and throws gasoline on the fire.

Trump whining about not getting to respond and Wallace is shutting him down. Wallace now asking Trump about Joe not denouncing ANTIFA, et al.
Wallace asking Trump to denounce white supremacists and militias. Trump tries to say all the violence is coming from the left. Trump never denounces white supremacists and keeps saying someone needs to do something about ANTIFA, implying he supports militias doing just that.
Devolves into a shouting match with Trump saying the left needs to be stopped. Never denounced white supremacists.

Trump now asked about why he's the one who should be president and he says something about Hillary and Space Force... and the VA... keeps saying Joe is a mess.
Trump now bragging about packing the court with almost 300 federal judges and 3 SCOTUS justices.

Says Obama left 128 federal openings to fill and somehow that means Obama was a shitty president and Joe was a shitty VP.

Uh... the Senate just refused to confirm O's nominees.
Joe is talking shit about Trump being Putin's puppy.

Trump interrupts. Wallace goes ape and shuts down the whole thing. Never seen anyone yell at a POTUS like this. It's spectacular.

Joe is speaking again. Talks about violence going up 15% on Trump's watch.
Joe getting worked up talking about Beau being in Iraq and resenting Trump calling them losers & suckers.

Trump interrupting again. Saying he doesn't know Beau. Talking shit about Hunter being dishonorably discharged and how he took millions and millions.
Trump is really, really stuck on this 3 and a half million dollars Hunter supposedly took from someone in Moscow. Keeps saying 3 and a half million, 3 and a half million, 3 and a half million.
Wallace pivots to climate change question. Trump is, once again, yapping about forest management.

Someone wanna remind him a huge percentage of that land is FEDERAL land.

Wallace demands Trump answer whether he believes the science on climate change being caused by man.
Trump says yeah and no... pivots back to forest management... really stuck on raking the forest thing.

Wallace pushes on Trump's rollback of regulations in Obama's climate plan. Trump is talking about how much cars cost and how safe they are now. Making ZERO sense.
Something about cars being super expensive and computers, computers everywhere... really just kinda coming unhinged and his answers make no sense.

I think his Adderall might be wearing off or something. Nothing he says is germane to the climate science question at all.
Joe is actually answering the question. Talking about green energy, electric vehicles, charging stations, retrofitting buildings to be energy efficient, rejoining the Paris Climate Accords.

Damn... it'd be nice to have a president who knows shit again.

Wallace asks Joe a follow up about balancing business interests with climate concerns.

Trump says Joe wants to tear down buildings, kill all the cows, not let people own two cars... he's down the goddamn rabbit hole.

Wallace tries to ask Joe a question. Trump interrupts.
Joe gets a dig in about Trump saying we should nuke hurricanes.

Trump says he never said that.

Who things he did? Me. I think he did. Because he says crazy shit all the livelong day.
It's Joe's fault that China and Russia and everyone else pollutes the planet, according to Trump.

Trump won't STFU and now he keeps yelling, "Stupid bastards...".

Joe and Chris share a laugh at Trump together. This is a fucking circus.
Now on to election integrity. Shit. Here we go. Trump is just gonna spin off all the way off into Crazytown now.

Joe goes first. Says let people vote. Tells people to go to http://IWillVote.com  and figure out how, where and when to vote. Says NO evidence of fraud.
Joe goes on to say Trump is trying to scare people out of voting. Looks directly into the camera, "VOTE, VOTE, VOTE... he cannot stop you."

Joe says he will accept the results, no matter what they are. And no matter what Trump says, he will have to, too.
Trump is saying shit about Crooked Hillary... a coup... they caught 'em all... got 'em on tape... something about Obama... ballots in creeks... ballot in a wastebasket with Trump on it... fraud like you've never seen...

Holy shit. He's off the rails.
Look at what happened in Manhattan... New Jersey... losing 30%-40%... ballots in by November 10th... all Democrat states...

Gooddamn. I think he just broke my brain.
Question to Trump about relying on SCOTUS to look at the ballots. Now saying something about 2016 ballots.

Mailmen in Virginia are selling ballots and dumping them in creeks.

He's losing it... losing it. Just vomiting nonsense out his face hole.
Wallace states clearly the problem with mail-in ballots is not fraud, but issues with ballots not being filled out properly, etc. Asks Joe what to do.

Trump now ranting about fraud and mail-in voting being a disgrace... overwhelming the system... nonsense.
Wallace asking both to commit to telling their supporters to stand down until the election results have been finalized.

Trump refuses. Talking about sending people in to be poll watchers. Trump will not pledge not to declare victory until all ballots are counted.
Joe states clearly with no equivocation that he pledges to accept the results of the election once all votes are counted and that'll be the end of it, no matter who wins the election.

Trump keeps interrupting. Trump won't stop talking. Wallace shuts him down. Debate over.
Holy shitballs. My fingers and my head hurt. Trump is a moron and a goblin.

No question who won. There was never a question who would win.

Trump is a disaster in every sense of the word. I don't see how anyone can possibly think he's fit for this job. Geezus.
"A monstrous cavalcade of wild and obscene lies." - Rachel Maddow

Yes. That is exactly what it was. And her reaction to all this is exactly my reaction to this. Gobsmacked. Utterly gobsmacked.

And Nicolle's abuse/abused analogy, as usual, is spot-on. She's so smart.
If anybody wants to really understand what happened tonight and why, you should be watching Joy, Nicolle and Rachel right now. They see through the bullshit and have gotten right to the heart of it.

Joy nailed it... Trump could not stand hearing truths about himself.
These 3 women unpacking the barrage of utter insanity we all just had fired at our noggins is exactly what I need right now.

Like Rachel just said in introducing Plouffe, "... before we left this planet."

That is exactly how this felt.
Joy is exactly right. This was embarrassing. It is humiliating for all of us.

There's nothing I can tweet right now that Rachel, Joy and Nicolle aren't saying better. Go watch them. I need a break.
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