2020 presidential debate: in tweets
(a thread)
First topic is the Supreme Court:
Biden highlights the problems that Trump’s nominee Amy Coney Barrett would bring to the country if she was nominated. Trump argues that he has the right to elect a new justice, regardless of his previous statements during Obamas administration.
Trump makes claims that Biden would have had United States COVID-19 numbers upwards of “two million”. Trump continues to interrupt the moderator.
Trump claims that he is the only president that has gone against big pharma, despite many Americans that are currently without healthcare and access to life saving medications such as insulin.
Trump claims that he has made insulin more affordable despite the countless diabetic Americans that are struggling to afford insulin. If you would like more information on the insulin crisis in America, visit http://T1international.com 
Biden remarks ”can you just shut up man” after Trump continually interrupts him. The moderator abruptly moves to the second subject
Second topic: Covid-19
”Why should the American trust you, more than your opponent, to handle the pandemic?”
Biden claims that trump needs to fund a larger response, and Trump immediately responds that he has handled the coronavirus effectively, and his “biggest problem”
Is fake news. Trump blames Biden for the fatalities of the Swine Flu. Biden immediately defends himself with the fact that the fatalities were no where near comparable with the deaths from Covid-19.
Trump claims that the vaccine is political and people like “this” (Biden, Democrats, the “Left”) care more about politics than saving lives. Every serious company is talking about vaccines though Trump has not taken into account the problem with distribution. Biden addressed this
Trump makes a claim that he has “spoken to the lead scientists, and they will have the vaccine out very soon”. Biden highlights the fact that Trump knew about the threat of Covid-19 as early as February and did not tell the American people.
Trump claims that this is the greatest economy America has ever had. He claims Biden wants to ”shut down the country“ and Trump continues to go on saying that “young children aren’t at risk” despite records of him saying this virus poses a real threat to younger populations.
Trump makes personal attacks when being asked about why he is holding large gatherings, saying that Biden doesn’t have people that “want to listen to him”. Trump does not address the risk that could come from his 35-40 thousand people at his events.
Third Topic: Economy
Trump said he closed the “greatest economy“ because of the “China plague“. Trump says that Biden would “destroy this country“ because of proposed shutdowns. Trump claims “people know what to do” despite the rising Covid-19 rates.
Biden says that millionares and billionaires have made billions of dollars because of Trump‘s tax proposal. He acknowledges that people in small towns are struggling. He claims that Trump will be the first president in American history that will have less jobs at the end of his
time in office. Biden says that “you can’t fix the economy until you fix covid-19”. Biden claims that 1 in 6 small businesses are now gone, among other problems. Trump claims that the ”people of Ohio are very proud” of him because of him opening football, ignoring the question.
Trump claims he has paid millions of dollars of income tax, but walks on eggshells when talking about his tax records.
Biden claims that “trump pays less taxes than a school teacher makes“ and “takes advantage of the tax code”. Trump continues to interrupt.
Biden claims that his economic plan would make “7 million more jobs“. Trump claims that Biden will lose “half of the companies“ (he does not elaborate on which companies) if Biden was currently running the country. Trump claims that [the Obama administration] brought
nothing to the table with manufacturing jobs while he has brought thousands of manufacturing jobs. Trump brings up Biden’s son, and him taking the mayor of Moscow’s wife’s money. (This has been discredited)
Trump continues to interrupt the moderator, violating the rules of the debate.
Segment four: (up to interpretation) Race

Trump claims he has done more for black Americans than any other president, except for Lincoln. Trumps military had tear gassed peaceful protests over Mr.Floyds death outside of the White House. Biden claims that 1 in 500
African Americans will have died from Covid-19 if America continues down the track they are now. Trump claims he has the support of many law enforcement, and says that if Oregon was ran by Republicans, the fire would be handled. (mind you are are in a country run by a republican)
When asked about injustce against black Americans, Biden condemns riots, and Trump claims that Biden says that peaceful protests are “people running through the street breaking into stores”
Trump claims that he ended racial sensitvity training because “they were teaching people to hate our country” and that the teaching were “racist”. Trump avoids the question asking if there is systemic racism in our country. Biden tries to explain the concept of racism to trump.
He seems to be proven unsuccessful as Trump continues to interrupt Biden and the moderator. Trump says (for the second time) that if “Biden even said the words Law and Order he would lose his radical left democrat supporters”.
Everyone take a sip of water every time Trump interrupts Biden, chug when he interrupts the moderator. Biden says he is totally opposed to defunding the police.
When Trump is asked if he Is willing to condemn white supremacist groups, he said ”almost everything I see is from the left wing”. He directly moves to Antifa, which Biden confirms is an IDEA, not a group. Antifa means anti fascist.
Trump claims the impeachment was a “hoax” despite the fact it was a legal proceeding where Trump was impeached. Trump claims that he has the best care for veterans despite the failed VA system.
Biden said that he fixed a recession (2008) and that Trump had brought another recession upon the American people. Trump claims that Hunter (Biden’s son) was dishonorably discharged, and makes a personal attack about his (Hunter’s) battle with drug addiction.
President Trump claims that the Paris Accords were “horrible” for the United States. He condemns the management of forests, (though he is president...and the NPS was defunded under the Trump administration.)
Biden claims that with new green infrastructure, liveable wages would be able to be assessable in America. He states that as president, he would rejoin the Paris Accords.
When asked about voting, Biden stated that the FBI director said that mail in ballots have no evidence of voter fraud. Trump said that this will be a “fraud like no one has ever seen.”
Trump claims that “bad things happen in Philadelphia, bad things” Biden states that he will be a president for democrats AND republicans.
The next debate will be on October 7th between the VP’s. Remember during this time to make sure to take care of yourself, and prioritize your mental health. This is a very stressful election. Make sure to tune in next week for more coverage of the debates. #PresidentialDebate
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