I was going to take a nap but I guess I need to watch some of the debate first.
"Elections have consequences" oof
Top top academic, good in everyway"
"I have a lot of time after the election", hmm.
"They didn't have the election" wait what.
Biden's point about the election currently being underway is surprisingly solid here.

I'm confused why he's bring up the ACA which is unrelated though.
Jesus fuck Biden just stop fucking talking.
How is Trump going to come across more coherent than Biden here lol how is this possible.
Also why is he letting Trump talk over him and why are they talking about "Socialism"
#PresidentialDebate2020 I guess to mute this thread probably.
"The party is me" oh shit oh fuck
As Devin said
Good thing Mr Biden ate his ice cream before going on stage!
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