thread why I should win the fine line vinyl giveaway that @adoreyoufishy is doing 🤧❤
hey ash its me again, im doing this thread but I'm not having faith that I will win, but ok, first of thank you very much for this opportunity, I would be the happiest person ever if I win this vinyl, because its literally my dream to have one +
about harry: harry is very important to in many ways, his music makes me feel better, makes me smile everytime I hear, makes me express my feelings, makes me dance, its almost like therapy but for free 🤩 +
the kid on the picture is me, and if it wasn't for harry, I dont think I would be here anymore , he made part of my childhood and helped thought a lot, he made me believe in myself , he made me happy when I wasn't, one day I just want to hug him I tell him that I'm so grateful +f
for him, because he made me a better person, he made me become happier, and I just want to thank him.❤🤧
about the album: this album is very important to me, it makes me smile everytime I hear, it makes me vibe, it makes me relax, stay calm, his voice is everything, the music is just perfect, and I would be so happy to have it with me , in my hands. this album is everything
about why I want to have one: I really want to have one of this vinyls, because I love vinyls and it's a harry styles vinyl, one of the most important people in my life. so I can't afford one and in BRAZIL is really hard to get one, and even if I got the chance +
I can't have one, because my cant buy for me and I dont have money to buy to myself. I've been trying to get one in so many giveaways, but I never win, and if I win I would be the so happy, I wouldn't be able to express in words
about me : my name is larissa, I'm 15 years old and I have known harry since I was 7, i know, very young , I think. i have met him in 1d. I always knew he was going to change my life and he did but for the better, and I dont get tired for saying that I'm grateful for him
here are the proofs and some cute harry pictures
I really hope u read this, cause I really want to win this vinyl...❤🤧 @adoreyoufishy
hi ash, could you take a look to my thread and consider choosing me for the giveaway? plese 🥺💙💖 @adoreyoufishy
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