Things that are very easy to report but may not provide much insight:
- speaking time
- how much horse race polls change afterwards
- “winners” framing.
I don’t think the “winner vs. loser” frame is helpful. It’s not a sporting event.
Speaking time is a very easy metric to calculate. You will likely see lots of “speaking time” visualizations tomorrow. Easy to produce, doesn’t really provide any depth of information.
Debates are a great way for newsrooms to try new things - they’re planned events with lots of coverage. And this debate *should* be covered differently.
If people are watching as sport - which we are - how to reframe? Is it possible? Or do we see everything through ways we’ve previously reported on these events?
In short, nothing is normal right now and this debate should not be covered in the same ways previous debates have been covered. It would be a disservice to treat this the same. It’s not.
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