There's a couple people that are starting to piss me off because I got dragged into this fucking situation, had them talk and come to compromise and move on, to one looking at the other's social media and claims that person is copying them. The other admitted to lying multiple-
Times before when this situation was going on for a while, they've both done bad and done wrong and admitted it but they agree to end it off and have no more interactions or anything but the other person keeps looking into their fucking socials and complaining and whining to me.
One, YOU DONT OWN OUTFITS! I understand that the character was made out of spite in the beginning but the other agreed to change it up except for the species. Idk who to believe, idk who to listen to, I just want them to stop but one is always stubborn and paranoid. I can't-
Blame them for feeling paranoid but it's fucking too much when they are always first to assume and assume and assume without hearing things out but the other has lied a lot before so it's hard to know what is the truthand what is the lie. I just wanna bash my head in and have me-
Fucking out of it. One just seem to just want to call out this person again because of the small things. It seems a bit childish and I hate it. I have too many things to focus on at once, things around my house irl, just got a job, wanting to work on things for YouTube,-
Keep up with friends, trying to manage this stupid situation cause I was dragged into it. I just want it to stop I don't want to be apart of it anymore. They probably won't see this thread but please fucking stop and move the fuck on. You dont own clothing on characters. Stop.
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