Hello Reylos! Can we talk about being demisexual a minute? Because I feel like what non-demi Reylos consider to be demi is very far from the actual reality of being demi

Forgive me if I get a little salty
1. Soulmates (not the trope-y kind with the marks or you somehow magically know.)

This is often love at first sight, not demisexuality. Actual demisexuals need to get to know a person before becoming attracted to them. It'd be closer to mutual pining in terms of tropes.
2. Ben/Reysexual

Yes, I know a lot of us love the idea of only needing to date ONE PERSON EVER AND BE DONE WITH IT FOREVER, but real life don't work that way. Demis have relationship issues, breakups, and move onto another person (usually slowly).
3. Demis are only horny for 1 person

Wrong! While we overlap a lot with grey/ace/aro identities who feel way less sexual attraction as a whole, half my demi friends are like "If only attraction wasn't so complicated, I'd get myself laid right now."

You can be poly & demi
Side note: Raise your hand if you're a demi who just wants someone to sob with about being constantly horny and unable to date like a sexual person. 😭😭😭😭
I know, I know, it's just fiction, just fantasy. But still it'd be nice to see a demi reylo fic that doesn't fall into one of these traps or where it's hidden in the background. We have actual struggles with love and sexual attraction that could make for a compelling story.
For example, one of the problems I have is that I have to know a person before I ever start developing feelings for them. I've fallen for so many friends, you guys. So. Many.
It doesn't always work out. That would be some primo angsty fic material.
Or another example: I don't really know if people are flirting with me or not because how do you successfully flirt with a person when you don't know their sense of humor?

I can see this being a hilariously awkward battle between maybe a demi Rey & not-demi Ben (or vice versa)?
Or even just a "they've been friends forever" fic where one of them was so caught up in another crush that they didn't develop feelings for the other until that crush turned them down (+ some pining from the other side.)
Obviously a lot of this does not include canonverse because when you are a magical space wizard that is part of a rare, magical dyad, it's a bit more... obvious?

Or maybe not. Demisexual problems in the dyad could make for a rather interesting fic too.
And btw, this isn't aimed at anyone in particular. I've written Ben and Rey being demi-ish and pushed it to the background, etc., etc. This really more of like a "hey, it'd be really cool to see more complex representation of demisexuals instead of tropes."
If you want to know more about demisexuality, here's a comic that really helped me solidify identifying as demi (and it helped a few friends figure that bit out about them too.) https://www.facebook.com/LxTamaki/posts/262989295013094
Thanks for reading everyone! 💞
Oh yeah, please RT this so other people think about how to better represent demisexuals in their writing!
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