Sometimes i feel unnoticed by others for all the struggle that i have simply because its all related to executive functioning, basic human skills that is.
I've felt like I've always failed at being human in various different ways that other don't see as struggls but me as an added responsibility in their lives.
Only recently have I, myself realized, that I'm not flawed im simply struggling from something i couldn't have controlled something genetic something I shouldn't be killing myself about.
However, oftentimes it happens that when others acknowledge my "trying" i lose faith I myself and take it as a rejection from everything else. (Rejection sensitivity?)
I reject myself before anyone else can even THINK of rejecting me and my efforts. In my head I've already failed at things I've not even started.
It's been a long time since I've internalized certain labels prescribed to me by teachers, family and peers. I've internalized them to the extent where even I did not believe i was struggling. Blamed myself for not trying.
as if everything said about me, was true. I didn't care anymore. If I can't do this right ofcourse I can't do THAT right either, right?
OKaY im not sure what the fuck i started this thread for anymore...i lost track.
Seee what i mean omg lol.
SO the point is i guess that im learning to be kind to myself regardless of whether others recognize my efforts as real or not. If its real to me it shouldn't matter as much. Its hard to shake this off but its what I've come to realize.
Im my own saviour.
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