I'm getting uncomfortably close to a thousand followers, so I'm just gunna tweet a whole thread of just kinds of spiders I like in no particular order to show you your terrible mistake.

If you, like @StoicsFan, don't like spiders, you might wanna go ahead and mute this thread.
Jumping spiders! Specifically my favourite Salticus scenicus: the zebra spider. These tiny guys are the first spider I ever held in my hand and I adore them and there adorable little selves. They're cute and curious and take down prey up to twice their size.
Wolf spiders!! These include a whole family of spiders (Lycosidae) and they are all amazing! They have really sharp eyesight and also good parenting skills! They are the only spiders that carry their young on their backs!
Crab spiders are maybe the second cutest family of spiders (Thomisidae)

They typically make their homes in flowers like tiny little fairies, unlike fairies (probably) they are ambush predators and some of them can even change colours to match the flower they live on
Orb weavers used to scare the bejeezus out of me. Especially the big brown garden spiders, but they are super cool and make some of the most iconic and beautiful webs and they're pretty on their own too
Ogre Faced spiders! They have giant eyes that are super sensitive to light so that they can accurately cast their nets at night. They don't have irises so every morning their eyes are basically destroyed and then they regrow their light sensitive cells through the night.
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