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Let's talk about why this matters, beyond the obvious. I realize this isn't a revelation for many in our corner of Twitter. So many brilliant minds have been ahead of the disclosure curve on this matter that this can feel like a "yeah, we knew that" moment...
And perhaps it is for you.

But for many this is, or should be, a watershed moment. This proves, beyond all doubt, that everything the Clinton/Obama/Establishment machine accused Trump's team of being guilty of, they themselves were actually the ones who committed the crimes.
They not only paid to influence the 2016 election by hiring known British and Russian spies to spread disinformation through a compliant media complex, an operation which morphed into a seditious conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected president, but did it again in 2018.
The SCO could have released his report in full prior to the midterms. We now know for certain that Mueller's entire team knew Trump and his team were innocent before they were even assigned to the SCO team, but instead he dragged it out for 1.5 years.
That was a deliberate attempt to not only create a perjury trap against Americans they knew to be innocent, but also to influence the outcome of the 2018 midterm elections.
It's important to note, perhaps now more than ever, that this entire operation was not done by the Clinton and Obama machines by themselves. This crossed the aisle, numerous Never Trump/Establishment republicans helped.
Once Trump won, this stopped being about partisanship and became, and remains, the Establishment vs the People.
Because if the Establishment is allowed to get away with this sort of abuse when the target includes the sitting president (the "most powerful person in the country/world"), then what can they get away with when they target an average Joe or Jane?
Despite this reality, 67% of democrats polled still believe that Russian collusion was real, just under-charged or that Trump interfered in ways which prevented an honest investigation from taking a look into the matter.
This of course flies in the face of the evidence in record, which grows worse by the day.

That kind of bifurcated reality didn't happen by accident. It was intentional.
The establishment media knowingly participated in the Big Lie, programming people with divisive talking points about the sitting president being a traitor. Not just the president, but anyone who supports him was deemed a threat to the republic by the media.
This - the polarized and bifurcated reality we currently all share - was the desired outcome of a massive disinformation campaign waged by establishment IC figures and their cut outs in the media against every single American regardless of partisanship.
And that's set the table for a very dangerous period in the country's history.

Bifurcated realities are unsustainable. Sooner or later a reckoning must occur.

We're nearing that tipping point.

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