Servant networking: serve, don't network

I’ve personally created more meaningful connections in the past three months than I have any calendar year of my career by changing my outlook on "networking". Here's how: THREAD/
1/ When Kobe Bryant was asked for his best advice on leadership, and his answer was simple: serve, don’t lead.

Similarly, we should apply the philosophy of servant leadership to networking:

Serve, don't network.
2/ Traditional networking goes something like: connect first, serve later. Expectation of delayed value at some future point in time.

I saw this first-hand working on the LinkedIn network growth team for 2.5 yrs – it's understandably tough to connect this way
3/ Servant networking on the other hand, brings service and value up front with no expected reciprocity. Why is this more impactful?
4/ A couple of principles:

1) By giving - you've already gained for yourself
2) Expect nothing in return
3) Most people will recognize genuine generosity and you WILL receive in return even w/o expectation
4) Table stakes, you must be proactive and creative
5/ Steps – every new potential connection will comprise of some form of these steps:

1) Intent – mindset of "how can I serve?"
2) Contribution – creating, writing, designing, whatever it is
3) Delivery – getting it to the person/community you're serving
4) Outcome – expect none
6/ Here are some of my fav examples (& my own experiences)

Serve by offering new ideas
Outcome: apprenticeship with @jackbutcher
7/ Serve by creating a design for someone you admire

Outcome: "we'll be hiring him in the near future"
8/ Serve by asking thoughtful questions for the community

Outcome: some of the best career advice I've gotten, ever. @iambangaly
9/ Serve by creating resources for the community

Outcome: a @RoamResearch retweet and DMs, connections from Roam folks around the world.
10/ and so much more. serve by offering to host community meetups, provide trainings, conversations etc.

Servant networking is well-suited for a COVID world, as traditional networking events and conferences are gone and folks are looking for new ways to connect
special shoutouts to

@david_perell for planting the seed that changed my outlook about the internet's potential for connecting

@jackbutcher for his consistently high quality posts about "permissionless apprenticeship"

@jamierusso for fostering a sprit of giving in everything
You can follow @andrewcyu.
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