Controversial take but i’m going to say it. Speaking from experience having been both a special needs student AND a teacher’s aid in the special ed classes, the vast majority of special education teachers are horrible abusive people on power trips and not enough ppl talk about it
Special education/special needs and disabled students start experiencing trauma from the instant we start school, and only half of that trauma is from other kids being little monsters (which they are). The deepest cuts though come from adults. The ones that hold power over us.
Damn all the replies and QTs to this thread of people sharing their experiences.
Ableds, NTs etc have no idea what we went thru.

(TW if u read the comments/QTs obv, as there’s frank discussion of abusive treatment of children by teachers/administrators- but if ur able, pls read)
Everyone sharing your pain or the pain of a loved one, i see you. You are seen, you are heard. Solidarity 💜 if this brings up trauma for you, please back in the comforting warmth of my support dog Aria. She loves you all. She’s got big ears to hold all the bad memories u fight.
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