i really am so sad about legacies. it feels so dumb to be upset about a tv show but i really thought that we would actually get some good representation in s3. but the writers constantly treat anything other than heterosexuality as a money-grab or a joke and i’m so tired of it.
why do the writers find it so difficult to create a show with a wlw main character. a one off comment about a past crush isn’t “exploring hopes sexuality.” not to mention, constantly revolving hopes storyline around a boy downplays her character entirely.
hope deserves so much better than to have her entire existence be defined by her relationship with a man.
i’m so sick of the writers dancing around hopes sexuality. you can’t just tease it and call it representation. stop acting like hope being gay would be so out of character. hope is still hope. maybe if they took the time to actually develop her characfer alone, their show wouldnt
have to rely on the status of her relationships.
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