we live in a gerontocracy where everyone in charge is an 87 yr old rotting corpse. i’m 25 and have never made more than $10.75 an hour & am desperately trying to get my gallbladder removed before i age out of my insurance in 5 months. i don’t ever want to hear about ageism again.
i had to move back in with my parents during a pandemic in which my only help has been an unemployment check of $167 a week. that’s $668 a month before taxes and i’m supposed to say thank you to these assholes? no. fuck them. fuck every last one of them.
the average age of the house is 57.8 and the average age of the senate is 61.8. dianne feinstein, chuck grassley and rbg were all 6 years old when world war two started.
these assholes have spent lifetimes strangling the working class, inundating young people with student debt, kneecapping unions, and doing nothing to stop us all from burning to death in a climate apocalypse. and then they will die peacefully, because they’ll have won.
i’m a privileged person. i can count on support from my parents. i’m clothed, housed, and fed. that doesn’t mean my situation is ok. it’s not, and neither is yours. remember that.
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