lonely people thread : everyone keeps begging for a significant other on twitter so here! a thread of your application for a s/o! Please qt your responses <3
Have you begged for a s/o on the tl…
Why do you deserve a s/o <3
Have you ever had a crush on oomf… /srs
Can you do long distance dating? Can you handle it?
No judgement, have you horny tweeted on your main
What is your ideal date?
What are your favorite shows?
Who are your comfort characters?
Who are your favorite artists? Lets hope you have good music taste!
If you had an s/o what kind of gifts would give them to cheer them up?
What zodiac sign are you? (If you don’t believe in that kind of stuff please skip this one haha)
BONUS ROUND : are you willing to do the matching layouts...
You can follow @COFFEEJELL1ES.
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