Apparently being a clinical psychologist for society means you cannot be a "vulnerable person" when awful things happen to you. I didn't realise that a professional title made you invincible. This is exactly why the "them" / "us" divide doesn't help anyone. 1/
If you are a mental health professional asking for support, doors keep slamming in your face, because people assume your training somehow should protect you and tend to minimise your pain. At the same time others assume you are "permanently damaged" / "incompetent". 2/
Too "well" to have support and too "unwell" to do your job. It's a lose-lose situation. Not quite enough "them" but not quite enough "us" either. So what do you do?
This is a big part of why we do what we do @In2gr8mh. Because, before being MH professionals, we are human. Our professional training cannot make us invincible from trauma and pain. I wish it did as it would mean we found the key to end human suffering.
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