Watching Brazil's crisis unfold "on the ground" during fieldwork in the peripheries of Rio & São Paulo, it's always struck me the that the public debate about Bolsonaro is completely detached from the reality of these places. Many myths badly need correcting

Here are a few...
1. Antipetismo is deep and widespread

Antipetismo has had deep roots among the middle classes since at least 2005. Among the poor it is a recent & shallow phenomenon, largely linked to the economic crisis and the electoral cycle (ie. anti-incumbent sentiment during a crisis)
2. Everyone cares about corruption for the same reasons

Wealthy economic liberals care for ideological reasons bc they think corruption = the capture of an overgrown state. By contrast, the poor care largely bc they see it as symbolic of the state's failure to provide services
3. "Centre-right" candidates can conquer Bolsonaro's electorate

A middle-class Bolsonarista might vote for Doria or Moro, but they have little wider appeal. Lower-income Bolsonaristas wd be more likely to shift to another far-right candidate, or to the centre-left or a celebrity
4. Evangelical pastors have brainwashed the poor

Brazilian evangelicals are hugely diverse & often not especially devout. What churches tend to do is organise their followers socially, reinforce certain basic religious views & nudge them politically. Most are not "radicalised"
5. Fake news brainwashed the poor

There is real distrust of news sources, but that doesn't mean most believe the wildest claims, eg. that Chloroquine cures Covid. This is mainly just noise. More important is that many do agree with Bolsonaro that Brazil's economy "can't stop"
This shows why Bolsonaro keeps outmaneuvreing his opponents. He has a better intuitive understanding of what really distinguishes the social & political reality of this "other Brazil". Whereas the myths above just assume it is either exactly the same or a caricature of alterity
Para falantes de português, recomendo fortemente os trabalhos da @_pinheira, @kalil_isabela, @EstherSolanoG e @JairoNicolau1 sobre temas relacionados
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