i complain about toxic people claiming to be christians and then abusing people a LOT, so here’s some good things that i’ve seen within the church that i really love about the True church and True christians
1. there’s always someone out there who is well balanced and understands that love is just as important as truth. always. sometimes they’re hard to find but they’re there
2. the most understanding and progressive men i’ve ever met were christians. they understood that jesus advocated for people and that women and poc are not “less than,” and treated everyone with and advocated for equal respect
3. the amount of times i’ve seen someone need help, and before they could even ask a bunch of people were ready to be there for them

the amount of people who told me and will that they were there for us if we needed anything when i was really sick last year, was amazing
when someone passes, the amount of casseroles sent to the families, cards sent out, prayers offered, and love given us absolutely wild
4. truly humble teachers and preachers who acknowledge when they’ve done wrong, and who understand that they’re there to teach and are not infallible, are >>>>
5. little old ladies !!!

when i was growing up there was this older lady who would pick me and my friend up every saturday during the summer and taught us how to quilt. it was the BEST !!! she was so sweet and i think about her all the time
these are just a few things, but i really do love how unifying the church can be when people are truly loving. it’s important to look towards these examples so we can know what to strive to be 🧡
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