I briefly entertained the notion of staying up to watch #Debates2020 , which would be 2am in the UK. Then I decided I'd prefer to skip the plane crash and walk through the wreckage in the morning instead.
And for what it's worth, there is nothing I'd like to see more than someone humiliate and wipe the floor with Trump in a debate. I simply just don't have any reason to believe Biden is capable of doing that though. We'll see.
Trump: "I know suburbs so much better than you".

I think that pretty much sums up the whole thing.

Yes, I know the "good people on both sides" thing is a complete misrepresentation. Yes, I know Trump has condemned white supremacists before. But what the hell was "stand back, stand by" about when asked to condemn them here? Why does he keep missing this open goal? #Debate2020
Here is the comment in question. #Debate2020
I've been trying to make sense of Trump's 'stand back, stand by' comment. It seems to me that he perhaps meant to say 'stand down' as that's what the moderator asked of him, and he muddled his words. Is that too charitable? Seems to make the most sense. https://twitter.com/Liz_Wheeler/status/1311460223744237569?s=19
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