HI YALL SINCE JULIE aka @/pkmncrossing DECIDED TO COME TO FFXIV :) IT IS TIME TO KEEP EXPOSING HIS ASS. julie is a well known abuser & is currently still trying to harass his ex :) by entering the fandoms they’re in while they’re trying to move on & get away from him.
as someone from the tumblr rpc, i’ve seen the shit that julie has done. from making fun of school shootings to whitewashing characters. he will literally manipulate & gaslight the shit out of you when you’re friends with him.
not to mention be abusive as fuck.
not to mention the entire acc of @calloutforrae has all the information you need.
fuck this guy, i’ve seen all the shit he’s done over the years. i ain’t letting him take over ffxiv & i know more people in this community more than anywhere else. so please, be careful & read the receipts. cause i can tell ya now, some of us do know julie & the nasty shit he did
so! someone found his ffxiv character and he’s on brynhildr which proves the point that he’s doing this to torment his ex because that’s her main server.
so if you see him, just blacklist and ignore him please! https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/32504641/
so he changes his name around & currently goes by noah https://twitter.com/grimtarot/status/1311081423873470464
found out more shit. he is already lying. saying that he started months ago on ffxiv & these tweets were two weeks ago???!
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