So someone messaged me about a colleague of mine lying on their ads regarding how busy they’ve been & I’ve got some thoughts about it:

1) unless someone is lying in a harmful way or defrauding people or something, that’s really just not my business
It’s very likely a marketing strategy - people want things that are in demand of course. And I’m all about people getting their bag however they can (as long as it’s not harmful).

So if you find out something like this about a provider, I’d recommend you keep it to yourself.
2) While I didn’t need to know that & will not be sharing any more details, it is always good to remember that not everything we see on the internet is the truth.

I have a good hunch that a lot of people fake their OF percentages for example.
And again, how someone else chooses to run their business is none of mine. You do you!

But if you’re becoming demoralized by what you see on social media, if it seems like everyone is killing it except for you, please know this isn’t the case.
People are always lying on social media but in this industry especially because it’s our job to seem happy, thriving, in-demand, luxurious, etc. So there’s even more motivation not to post the whole truth.
If you find yourself feeling bad seeing others supposed success, I highly recommend you take some time offline to center yourself & remember what’s real & important cause truly, this ain’t it.

I like to read books, do yoga, & journal when I start feeling this way.
And finally 3) I always try to be as real as possible on here mostly bc I find lying exhausting but also bc I think it helps everyone when we’re honest. I want you guys to know you’re not alone if you’re struggling, haven’t worked in ages, can’t make ends meet, etc.
And I want to make it more of a priority for myself not only to NOT post fake good stuff, but also to be more open about the not-so-good stuff. I’m all about walking the walk, so I really am committed to this.
Not sure exactly what that will look like as I am still running a business, but I think there are ways to share the negatives without bringing people down/making yourself less desirable - so I intend to find those ways.

OK that’s it ily guys 💛
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