Debates might just be the dumbest possible way to pick a president

You're not going to learn anything new

It's not going to change anybody's mind

You already know who the winner is (Surprise! It's your guy, no matter what)

It's just show

Shit, at least make them mud wrestle
It's not even an actual debate. It's just a couple of politicians shouting pre-arranged sound bites at the audience and trying to one up each other so their campaigns can crank out clever tweets the next day.

There's not one single skill on display at a political debate that will EVER be used in office. Not one. The winner isn't going to go on to debate Kim Jong Un or the Ayatollahs or Vladimir Putin for nuclear supremacy of the world.

Debates are just entertainment. Theater. A show for a bored, jaded, and bitterly cynical population who loves to slow down and boggle at every car wreck. The more blood and gore, the better.

I mean, seriously, if it wasn't for the accidents, nobody would watch NASCAR. Bunch of rednecks, weaving drunkenly, in banged up shitty cars, driving in a circle. Big fucking deal, I can see that every day for free in my crappy little Southern town.

Political debates are the same thing, you're only watching for the accidents. Otherwise, what's the point?

Like I said, shit, at least make them jello wrestle or a drinking contest or SOMETHING worth an hour of my time.

Or, you know, put them in actual race cars. Arm them up like a Death Race 2000 thing. Yeah, start in LA, no rules, first one to DC is president.

Hell, you can throw in the Ayatollahs and Putin too. See who's got the skills.

THAT would be worth watching.

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