$DADA An IPO that also exhibits relative strength

*Higher Lows, big volume up days small volume down days
*Relative Strength since September
*Back in July highest volume since IPO within the first 2 weeks.
*Watching for tightness in the coming days with dry up in volume
$DADA continues to act well tightening its ranges with higher lows and lower highs on the daily chart.

This sort of formation has a ton of "pent up" energy that has been built.

Some may say "VCP" ala Mark.

Concern: Liquidity/Bid-Ask Ranges.
$DADA the higher low, lower high formation has my eye.

Been circling this one in my daily plan the past few nights as I build a plan.

Continuing to watch.
$DADA attempting to break out from its tight higher lows and lower highs pattern. Volume runs well ahead.

Note the #winning characteristics. IPOs that have "no business" holding up in a corrective market phase are starting to outperform.
$DADA An IPO that also exhibited relative strength

*Higher Lows, big volume up days small volume down days
*Relative Strength since September
*Back in July highest volume since IPO within the first 2 weeks.
*Breakout today on highest volume since July
$DADA An IPO that exhibited relative strength.

*Higher Lows, big volume up days small volume down days
*Relative Strength since September
*Back in July highest volume since IPO within the first 2 weeks.
*Follow through today.
*Releasing that "pent up" energy.
$DADA An IPO that exhibited RS has spent the past week releasing pent up energy.

*Higher Lows, big volume up days small volume down days
*Relative Strength since September
*Back in July highest volume since IPO within the first 2 weeks.
*Releasing that "pent up" energy.
$DADA Last update on this thread as I cashed my position here +31%

*Higher Lows, big volume up days small volume down days
*Relative Strength since September
*Back in July highest volume since IPO within the first 2 weeks.
*Releasing that "pent up" energy.

You can follow @RayTL_.
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