Cthulhu Mythology
Cthulhu is the name of a fictional monster that was created by author H.P. Lovecraft. The monster ended up getting a whole mythology named after him. He was worshipped by the members of the Esoteric Order of Dragon, the primary religion of the town of Innsmouth
The name Cthulhu is said to be an alien name meant to be spoken in an alien tongue. Due to this, there is no correct pronunciation of the name Cthulhu.
Contrary to popular belief, The Call of Cthulhu(a book published by Lovecraft in 1928) was the only place Cthulhu made an actual
appearance. Although he is mentioned in other books of Lovecraft, it is actually other writers that ran with the idea and concept of Cthulhu.

For his mythology back story, Cthulhu was born on a planet called Vhoorl which is located in the 23rd nebula. His father was Nug and his
other relatives where Azathoth(his great great grandfather), Yog Sothoth(grandfather), Shub Nigguarath(grandmother), and Hastur the unspeakable(half brother)
At some point, Cthulhu travelled to the binary star where he mated and reproduced. He and his offspring first traveled to
Saturn before coming down to earth. Following Cthulhu to earth was a specie known as the star spun of Cthulhu. They were shape shifters who changed their appearance to resemble that of Cthulhu. The alien group landed in a continent in the Pacific Ocean and built the stone city of
R'lyeh. Cthulhu and his group were first with resistance from an older species that had inhabited earth for centuries. They were known as The Elder Things. At some point they agreed to share the planet with Cthulhu.
Cthulhu later went into hibernation in the city of R'lyeh.
During his hibernation, humanity had the chance to evolve, and it was believed that Cthulhu communicated with individuals through their dreams, slowly creating the cult of Cthulhu.
The city of R'lyeh later faced a huge disaster that sunk its remains, Cthulhu and his alien
worshippers. Cthulhu became trapped under the ocean with nothing to do but wait.
Although R'lyeh has risen out of the ocean many times, it has never been for long. The cult of Cthulhu has continued to grow throughout the ages and whenever they meet in secrecy, they chant for
the day R'lyeh will rise permanently out of the ocean and the dreaded Cthulhu will take over the world.
Although there are other deities in this mythology, Cthulhu is the most spoken about, hence the naming of the mythology after him
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