✨ love message for people w leo, aquarius, aries, virgo and or taurus placements sun moon rising venus ✨

their feelings and feelings only.

*take what resonates or you’ll go crazy*

this person maybe very silent and withdrawn right now- there may be something that’s making-
—the feel some kind of hope again- for this connection- they might have been thinking that you were angry w them but maybe they’ve realised that you’re not that mad at them—— you may be in a long distance and this person may have been trying to move on from you-
—this is someone who prefers to use their energy into making money or building up foundations for finances- very self centred person- they’re always wanting to be on top of their game- maybe their friends and family do no agree if this connection and they also-
—have distanced themselves from their family and friends as well- they tried to tell someone how they felt for you and how good you made them feel but the person didn’t buy it- for most of you they just want to fight these feelings for you and not let you anywhere near-
—them or keeping their boundaries high- this person wants to open up a little bit more to you- the dreams that they’ve been having are giving them a message about this connection—this definitely isn’t an ordinary connection for most of you and it’s once in a lifetime-
—kinda feeling for them as well as you- you or them may be having a lot of options but the both of you want each other more than the other options- this person isn’t ready to be in a relationship as of now- this person wants to have success and money before they come-
—towards you and they don’t want to be a ‘loser’ before you because they know that would be very embarrassing and many of you might not take them in the current condition- this person wants to avoid codependency and want to make it a very healthy relationship-
—you may have awakened them in some way. this connection may have been really quick and hasty in the past with this person and they have never been hasty and quick before you—-they are surprised that you made them feel this way— they have even started to make-
—deeper commitments to themselves for being a better version of themselves in order to get to you- this person was a player or you were a player— you really distracted them. they cannot control their emotions when it comes to you but most of the times they put on a-
—facade that they don’t really care about emotions. they know that there is unfinished business here- they know this hasn’t ended and there’s more to come—they know they will want to go back to you but they just do need a break as of now-
—you feel as you are both woven into each other’s fabric of life— but they are yet to realise this- they will realise in a few weeks that things and the feelings aren’t about to leave or to anywhere because you’re someone who has made them feel better about themselves—
—the numbers 28,45,3 might make sense—let them have their space. their feelings for you are pretty clear but they really don’t know what to do with the feelings right now—this person also has a fear that they’re taking a lot of time and that you’ll skrtt if they don’t show up-
—on time. they or you may have rejected them in the past but none of you meant it-it was just the fear of “why would you choose me?” which made you or them do so— rushing or doing something right now doesn’t feel right as of now— they might be a water venus- earth sun or-
have fire or water placements in their chart- they may have curly hair- a beard or a stach— green and yellow- braids- gold chains- gifts that you still have.

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