Idgaf about “proper” grammar lol my white ex used to correct me all the time and it’s like first of all, I got higher scores than other white kids in English comprehension growing up, I just don’t worship colonizer language/rules, if I’m communicating MEANING then that’s fluency
Also wtf is “proper English” anyway, it’s immediately racist bc it leaves out dialects, vernacular, regional/cultural impact, accessibility and is just...boring. And my artist side always takes it further when I write, it’s just more reason for creativity and breaking things up
Also I’m queer and was a philosophy major at some point so I don’t know what a period is who is she never heard of her, I would never let a punctuation mark stop me from saying what I wanna sayyyyyy lololol communication is so many things and language rules to me are a joke
And what the fuck is white English teachers creepy obsession with extinguishing accents? The way peoples words are shaped by their homelands? It causes so much internalized pain for immigrants, when I think accents are beautiful and not something to be wiped out
This is a subtweet to every English teacher I’ve ever had lol. Y’all are so boring and you can keep your rules and racism
I have so much more to say on this topic but u know what I’m gonna go drink some water and eat food and meditate BC thinking about my Utah public school experience got me all worked up
lot of nuance missing in this thread, like I’m specifically talking about English and my experience having it held over me and others as an arbitrary milestone, there’s also the validity/survival of code-switching, preservation of indigenous languages, NON VERBAL communications
Like, English is LITERALLY one of those languages that was FORCED on people, like let’s start there
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