i really, really like jackson browne as a lyricist

i just wish he would use...i dunno, more chords?

still pretty early in my exploration of his music
it's less obviously boring than most I-IV-V music, but in a way it's MORE boring, because it's like I-IV-I-IV-I-IV-I-IV for an hour before it finally hits a V
he is slick enough to include some clever root subs and sus chords, but there is a certain kind of uber-diatonic quality to his music which makes it just kind of float by

i guess the issue is that there is just very little tension, harmonically
he does have the occasional moment of tension or a surprising chord, but it always seems to quickly drift back to uber-diatonic land before you can really experience the tension in a way that feels structured enough to ground the song

so the end result feels meandering
but again maybe he breaks out of this over time. i'm mostly just familiar with the album "late for the sky"

and with that i will conclude this thread that no one asked for
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