First they came at me with....and the losers believed me...

Rape/Assault- I grabbed her by the pussy....I never met her....I can walk into the teens dressing room bc I’m the owner.... bitches
•can prove he didn’t rape Jean Carroll by giving his DNA 1/
•26 women have accused him of assault/rape
•Frequent visitor to Epstein Island
•Accused of raping a 13 yr old child

Taxes~ they’re being audited *for 6 years* but they’re legit....suckers
•They’re not legit they’re fraud as NYT reports. 2/
•DOJ launches investigation to find the whistleblower NOT his fraud
•He hasn’t paid taxes 10/15 yrs
•2 yrs only paid $750
•Claims to have more money than he does
•In debt 400,000,000 to foreign countries
•Hasn’t donated one penny on any tax forms 3/
Marriages/children/pornstars~ I’m a Christian now forgive all my past sins ... morons
•He can’t name a single bible verse
•He holds the Bible upside down
•Does not belong or attends a single church function
•He breaks commandments daily with lies 4/
•Promotes hatred and violence

Pandemic~ nothing to worry won’t ever come’ll be close to zero...fools
•No national testing plan
•203,000 deaths and counting
•Claims no masks needed for prevention when in reality it cuts transfer by 40% 5/
•Altering data to suppress the real numbers
•Interfering with and defunding the CDC
•Reopening all business and schools
•Lies about “more testing more cases” *those not being tested who have it and carry to others are not talked about* 6/
•Is on RECORD STATING it’s is airborne and so deadly if someone sneezes it clears the room on the same day tells America not to worry we’re safe.
•States are using meat trucks for dead bodies *FAKE NEWS IGNORE THE PICTURES* 7/
•Refuses to give stimulus check to those in need unless it has big payouts to his businesses
•Missing $500,000,000,000 in first stimulus money “dark money”
•Vaccine safety is being interfered with for his political career
•Dismantling ACA leaving millions without 8/

Terrorist groups~ BLM ANTIFA THUGS ANARCHISTS PROTESTERS are looting and burning down America they’re destroying our statues and buildings they’re taking over your neighborhoods and will rape the suburban housewives. LAW AND ORDER.... chumps 9/
•The only terrorist group recognized by DHS is White Supremacists
•WS show up to MI waving guns and swastikas inside the state capital threatening to lynch the governor *Theyre just good ppl frustrated not having their lives back to normal go down and shake their hands* 10/
•Trump and DOJ gas protesters for a bible photo op without churches permission or knowledge to be on property
•Boogaloos & Proud Boys *both hardcore MAGA* go into cities like Sea Portland and NY and start causing violence and burning of buildings to blame the protesters 11/
•Local police are seen dropping off bricks on street corners be used as “ probable cause” later for their actions claiming destruction 12/
•Kyle a 17 yr old CHILD is so excited by trumps call to arms his mother drives him 30 miles over state lines with a AR-15 to “peacefully” protest and “protect” buildings. He MURDERS 2 ppl exercising their 1A rights. Trump and Fox News hail him as a hero *telling the rest 13/
•of MAGA America it’s ok to MURDER ppl the president doesn’t agree with*
•Trump lies about cities burning down so he can send in his heavily armed identifiable private gestapo to pull protesters off of the street into unmarked vehicles to be searched and scared before 14/
•released violating their rights
•Trump uses the DOJ to violate American Rights bc William Barr is in his pocket

Election Suppression~ if I win it’s not rigged but if I lose it was rigged..I should get 2 more terms bc I was spied on by Obama during my 2016 run~ Schmucks 15/
•it was determined by a republican senate that he wasn’t targeted for any spying
•He placed DeJoy as Post Master General to intentionally slow down the mail to place restrictions on mail in ballots.
•Sues states that allow mail in ballots except Florida where he votes 16/
By mail

*On twitter multiple times a day YELLING Voter fraud rigged election ballot harvesting *FBI investigates none of this is truth
•Has Barr reinforce false info to add legitimacy to his claims
•Parscale and FB target black voters by ads to deter them from voting 17/
•Trump has republican ran states close polling place and throw out ballots
•Tells his MAGA to go to polling sites to scare voters to not vote wave his flags and signs and calls it “poll watchers”
•Asks foreign enemies to interfere in US elections by hacking machines 18/
•media misinformation and ballot fraud
•Says only his admin can vote by mail bc they’re safe to do so bc of who they are and American ppl are untrustworthy 19/
Associates~ I only hire the best ppl to work for me.... dumbasses
•Bannon- Border Wall nonprofit scheme
•Cohn- trumps fixer/lawyer lies to congress for trump hush money and campaign finance violations
•Manafort- campaign chairman money laundering tax fraud foreign 20/
•lobbying obstruction
•Gates- deputy camp chairman helping manafort
•Stone-lying to congress witness tampering obstruction in Trump/Russia collusion
•Flynn- national sec advisor lying to FBI about Trump/Russia Collusion 21/
•Papadopoulos- camp aid Russian ties during camp
•Nader- foreign policy advr. Child sex charges
•Collins- insider training
•Epstein- child sex trafficker/rapist
•Maxwell- child sex trafficker/rapist *wished her well after arrest* 22/
•Giuliani- lawyer ties to Russia and taken bribes
•Ivanka/Jared/Eric/Jr- list of offenses to many to count but include tax fraud charity fraud Russia Collusion China Collusion Ukraine Collusion 23/
And frankly I’m to tired to keep this shit up
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