Hey fam, friendly reminder that when interacting with the police, if they tell you things like "you're free to leave, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want" etc., the proper response is always "Okay, byeeee." Get the fuck out of there. They are telling you this because
(and ONLY because) if they can demonstrate that you were not put in a position where you felt that you could not voluntarily terminate questioning and leave, they don't have to inform you of your Miranda rights. So they'll put you closest to the door, say something like "we're
only closing the door for privacy," have you drive yourself to the station, or even talk at your house or outside. It's never because they are trying to be friendly for the sake of being kind, it's because they want you to have your guard down so you'll volunteer information.
If you're ever talking to the police OUTSIDE of the police station, you're rarely going to be entitled to Miranda. When you're stopped by the police, your first and only question should be "Am I free to leave?" If they say yes, then leave. If no, sit tight, ID yourself, but
otherwise remain silent. At that point you're in a custodial setting, and any questioning requires Miranda warnings, which will give you the ability to invoke your rights. See this tweet for info on how to do that:
Give @NPAP_NLG a follow while you're here. Support the organizations that are protecting us from those tasked with protecting us!
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