Give uplah any Malaysian writer trying to stake a monopoly on either food or horror writing like it isn't the majority of what we talk about when we get together. Food and horror stories. That's Malaysian.
I remember the first food/horror story I was told, within the first few months of returning to Malaysia as a wide-eyed 6+ year old kid who'd gone to school in Edinburgh and West Kensington.
Don't remember if it was a cousin or an uncle.

So there's this boy and girl who went into a house they weren't supposed to go into. And there was this nice uncle or auntie in there, or some sort of old person.

They were hungry.

"Come and eat," said the nice older person.
They were served mee goreng (fried noodles) and rose syrup drink.

At some point, someone said. "Look!"

They were eating worms, and drinking blood.


(prolly a cousin, cousins tell gross stories to younger cousins, right)
Now I think about it, it's kind of interesting if it was one of THOSE cousins because we were newly arrived from the UK, and staying in their house in Penang while my Dad was starting work at the hospital and looking for a house for us.

Like, hmmm....there's a double meaning.
Anyway, painkillers are working (obvs) and I'm going to sleep, having grossed out whomever read this thread.

Gnight! 👋🏽💤😴😘
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