100X this!

An elevator pitch is only possible when it's just an aggregation of references to huge systems of previously held beliefs.

If pitching something where 1 of the referenced systems doesn't align with common beliefs, then your elevator pitch will fail in 1 of 2 ways: https://twitter.com/Blackamazon/status/1310965718389792768
1) it'll be too long: as you try to establish the new referenced system.

2) it'll lack credibility: if you skip establishing the new system, and leave naked assertions everywhere.

So the person being pitched is scoped to only being able to properly evaluate a subset of ideas.
In 2015 I could easily "elevator pitch" you "Reducing crime in San Francisco by *increasing* police presence." 2 minutes tops!

In 2015, I couldn't elevator pitch you "Reducing crime in San Francisco by *decreasing* police presence." 2 hours wouldn't be enough.
But, I could elevator pitch reducing crime by decreasing police presence in 2020.🤷🏿‍♂️

I haven't gotten any better at pitching. The idea hasn't gotten any clearer.

But you now have reference to huge systems of belief:
* Cops lie. Constantly.
* Cops brutalize innocent Black folk
More beliefs:
* Black folk are justifiably afraid of calling the police. For anything.
* Adding more cops almost always just means more brutality
* The "good cops" won't report the "bad apples."
* Criminals exploit the lawlessness created by Black folks not calling the cops.
"To reduce crime in SF, we need to get better at catching dangerous criminals. We need the community's help for that. But policing is broken for Black Americans. Over 93% of Black residents have had a bad experience with a cop. What if we could reduce that to under 1%?"
"Policing is broken for Black Americans." Without the correct references you might believe that this is because Black folk commit more crime.

"Have had a bad experience with a cop" is doing a lot of work. With incorrect references, you picture "Resisting arrest" not George Floyd
So you can see why it is very difficult to "elevator pitch" anything that is truly transformative, or that impacts a community outside of the reference systems available to the Sand Hill set.

Sorry Black folk! 🤷🏿‍♂️
But, if you want to hear these ideas before the zeitgeist catches up with the proper reference systems, you should follow @Blackamazon 👍🏿

She's at least 5 years ahead of the curve on:
* Policing
* Russian disinfo
* Voting rights
* Social trolls

Hear her now, understand it later
You can follow @mekkaokereke.
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