thread on what i found about this quote:
the full quote is "everything we see is an opinion, not a fact. everything we see is perspective, not the truth.", which was written by marcus aurelius, who was a roman empire from 161 to 180 and a stoic philosopher in his personal writings called meditations.
the main themes in the writings from aurelius went to topics such as finding one's place in the universe, seeing that everything comes from nature, and maintaining focus without distraction while upholding morals.
the quote above can be interpreted in many many ways, but the one i found that most related was from philosiblog where they state the quotes meaning as "our eyes do deceive us, and that not all we see is what truly is... (count.)
....our minds often fill in details that may not actually be there...everything we see and hear are filtered by our thoughts and ideas. We are not the best at being accurate. but if we understand our weakness and our failings, we can allow for these errors.".
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