a3 floral prince mini convos + event card translations
preface: this is a chn -> eng translation so im sorry if its not 100% accurate to the og jpn text !! + i take some liberties for the dialogue to make sense/fit the tone

sorry if this'll take a while to update!

read the event story here: https://yaycupcake.com/a3/index.php?title=The_Floral_Prince/Episode_1
tenma's mini convos
[ft blushy tenma closeup]
tenma's floral prince r card
yuki's mini convos
yuki's rose n card
yuki's waltz with the prince sr card
yuki's waltz with the prince sr card (2/2)
muku's mini convos
muku's happily ever after ssr card (1/3)
muku's happily ever after ssr card (2+3/3)
misumi's mini convos
misumi's floral prince r card
kazunari's mini convos + linkle n card
kazunari's dance with you tonight sr card
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