1/ The software I'm paid for in the last 3 months, a thread

I spent a lot of time watching @AliAbdaal @nateliason @shuomi3 @TomFrankly @fortelabs and discovered a lot of great apps in the last 3 months

Here's a thread of the apps and why I chose to pay for them
2/ The biggest investment is @RoamResearch. It transformed my writing habit and with that, every other habit downstream. I'm creating a lot more. I'm consuming a lot more and I'm writing about that as well.

It is now a part of me
3/ @readwiseio has finally made it worthwile to highlight things. And the export into @RoamResearch is a game changer.

I enjoy the everyday highlights and I know that all the time I spend reading on the internet is not wasted anymore
4/ A @skillshare subscription because I'm not a fan of "purchasing" courses. I look at courses like I look at books.

I browse, scan and only consume what interests me. Purchasing individual courses turned out to be a lot more expensive and this all-you-can-eat model is perfect
5/ @instapaper because books are just one source and there's a lot of wisdom on the internet (looking at you @david_perell)

The downstream through @readwiseio into @RoamResearch is just icing on the cake
6/ @brilliantorg - discovered this through @AliAbdaal. This has now replaced my post lunch FIFA time.

A sub-par childhood education system meant that I never learnt anything properly. This is a chance to fix that.
7/ @TextExpander because I realise I type most of the same things over and over again. And it's got game changing features in dates and I'll never look at WPM the same way ever again
8/ @alfredapp because it's just a super monster of an app. I've barely scratched the surface and I'm already beginning to see the value in it
9/ This may not look like a big deal but software is expensive in India and it's still not common. Some of these apps were also kind enough to give me discount and I'm grateful

Software investments have compounding returns. It's like buying books at the start of school year.
You can follow @sanjeev_nc.
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