There's a presidential debate tonight! And an election in a month (or so)!

And guess what? Nothing said tonight or done in November will fix or amend what's really wrong with the human condition. (1/4)
Until we acknowledge Christ and give our hearts over to him we're merely treating symptoms, not remedying the problem.

I get that this is heated. I get that many people have made politics their gods. (2/4)
But politics, in the end, isn't a solution. It's a Band-Aid when we really all need surgery — a transplant if you will.

If you're like "what is this dude talking about" Google "John 3" and read that chapter. Skeptical? Cool. Uncertain? Sure. (3/4)
Just do it and read it with an open heart. All the rest of this mess is just static.

There's something more. You matter. (4/4)
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