Okay, the re-watch has parked me at Yi-City, and since I'm likely to yell a lot, I'll just make a thread starting with:

He just leaves him to sleep and goes out to play their song outside his window THEY ARE BOTH INTOLERABLE
The chickens are now Sizhui's siblings
I just said the words: "They're smiling. I HATE them" out loud.
How much do you hate yourself that you would do this, Xue Yang? Did you look at yourself in the mirror? did you smile at yourself? Did you look yourself in the eyes and realize that over two years, he never did?
Yes, smile for your audience, Xue Yang. Impeccable performance.
Xiao Xinchen's kindness hurts me so deeply
This terrified wonder. just. FUCK.
"I want to laugh every time you talk" I HATE THEM. 😭
hmm do I need to finish the book to know why the fuck XXC and SL are no longer together?
what the hell happened between them to make Song Lan look like this?
Please don't cry, you're so pretty
Xue Yang you fucking homewrecker!
This thread started with hands... it's only proper that there's more homage to that.

So, here. HANDS but angst.

(what do you mean I'm making jokes because this is really fucking sad?)
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