Let's talk PROFITABILITY as a self-pub/indie author.

I started writing in 2017 & started publishing 2 years ago. As of THIS MORNING, I'm finally profitable. (Woo hoo!)

Did I think it would take so long?

No! But a lot about self-publishing has surprised me!
Based on where my current expenses and income are, I should remain profitable from here on out. It just took a long time to recoup pre-publishing expenses from that first series.

Now, I know some of you are thinking, "You've spent tons of time writing for 3 1/2 years...
...& publishing for 2 years...and seriously? You're just NOW making a profit? Why not try traditional publishing, when at least you could maybe get an advance on a book you sell?"

And trad publishing can be an amazing route to take. But honestly, if I'd started querying...
my first book, I don't think I'd be published by now, not with a big publisher that pays advances. That type of trad publishing usually takes a LONG time.

In other words, if I'd chosen the trad route, instead of making a little profit, I'd still probably be sitting at $0.
Or I'd be in the red if I'd paid editors, etc.

One of the reasons I like being an indie is that I can release books as I grow as an author, rather than waiting. For me, it's been worth it to make a monetary investment to build this business that I retain control over.
And it feels REALLY good to finally see that the time and money I've invested is paying off. Maybe I like to be in control; maybe I prefer not to wait...but being an indie, as of now, works for me. That may change one day.
Making money as an author is hard, no matter what route you choose. So today, I'll celebrate finally being in the black.

And I'll keep writing!

I've written up some things I learned along the way...check it out.

You can follow @CBethAnderson.
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