All too often white folks, especially in America, think that black people are being paranoid/racist in the way we don't seem to trust white folks as a whole.

But I think what you all are missing is that black folks are VERY used to being betrayed by white people for "reasons".
One thing that's really gotten me is how the word "family" gets abused. It's used as way to try and make you feel accepted, and to try and convince you that they aren't racist.

"We're family!!!"

But really that means they think they can gaslight you whenever and you'll take it.
But no matter how much they may scream family at you, or invite you to Christmas dinner, you aren't REALLY family.

You soon start to realize that you're the side project. You are their community service project.

They see themselves as doing YOU a favor.
And you're family until you have to bite back at something. Disagree with the family patriarch, or simply ask for respect.

Then you're "problematic" and "argumentative", and well they don't understand why you aren't just taking it like the rest of them!!!

Are you not family???
That's when you realize that they have two different levels of family. Their actual flesh and blood that they'll never truly disagree with no matter how shitty they act, and "family".

The optional people that they'll cut out cause you aren't REAL family.
That in the end, if it's You vs. Them, it will always be them, and you'll be left holding the bag full of excuses.

"We're just, like, at two different places right now."
"We're just, like, focusing on the family right now."
"No hard feelings, you know we love you!"
I've been there too many times, and I won't be there again. So when I hear that cry about how "We're FAMILY!", I run.

Cause in my life, when it's come time for them to put their money where their mouth is?

Shit ends up looking like Trump's Tax Returns,

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