I’ve been working on a map for if Roe is overturned. It’s…not pretty.
(Gray - legal, Blue - illegal, purple - either has it protected in the state constitution but there is a challenge to that on the way, or has split choice/anti-choice legislature and no state protection)
Honestly the biggest scare right now is Florida - it has a state constitutional right but the state court is likely to overturn it soon because the court lurched right. The new parental consent law is what will be used to flip it.
Kansas is safer since the state court recently reaffirmed the right, but the state is trying to get a constitutional amendment approved now to overturn that.
and Iowa is in an in between place, with their court sort of conflicted. The new 24 hour wait may show which way that will go
I *suspect* this is what the landscape will be without Roe. I don't think Kansas voters will approve any amendment, but I do think Iowa's court will say there isn't a right.
and....This is what the Southeast will look like...
If Florida is lost, I cannot make it clear that abortion is essentially gone. Texans will flood New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas. KANSAS. There are 4 clinics in Kansas, in just two cities.
there are 4 in New Mexico - three of them in Albuquerque.
If you aren't in Texas or maybe Louisiana, odds are you are heading to Chicago or Virginia.
So, talking specifically for those in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, which is my current focus ( @alabama_west), instead of their local clinic, their next closest accessible clinic is probably going to be....715 miles (Chicago) or 750 miles (VA or MD).
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