tw // abuse, sexual assault

for anyone who doesn’t know why 365 days is a disgusting movie, let me explain why it is and why it was fucked up of stays to try and make chn watch it/ reference it.
it’s essentially a 50 shades knock off. it’s about a man who stalks a girl, kidnaps her and holds her hostage, telling her she has to stay with him for 365 days so she can fall in love with him.

throughout her time with him, he gropes her, harasses her and abuses her.
there’s absolutely no consent to be seen anywhere.

obviously she ends up falling in love with him anyway bc it’s meant to be a romantic movie ig, but if it were real she would definitely have Stockholm Syndrome.
I fucking hate that this is the image people try and project onto chn. the man in this movie assaults the woman repeatedly but all y’all wanted was your weird “are you lost babygirl?” y/n moment with chn.
tw // mention of rape

I ignore starkys 90% of the time but this is too far. when I see chn, I think of soft anime movies like “your name”. who the fuck are you stanning??? how can you look at a movie that romanticises literal rape and think “yeah sounds like chn”????
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