1) The NFT use-case I am most excited about?

I've touched upon how NFTs are revolutionizing art, collectibles, and their impact on gaming but their most exciting use-case is for virtual worlds

Blockchain-based virtual worlds are the future user-owned internet platforms
2) Blockchain-based virtual worlds allow users to have skin-in-the-game.

When users purchase virtual land they suddenly have ownership

This ownership allows them to have upside in the success of that platform
3) Users who own are incentivized to tell their friends about the virtual world, build structures in the world to make their land more desirable, and just take action to make the platform better

Users are directly incentivized to add value because they have upside
4) Ownership is an incredible paradigm shift when compared with today's internet platforms

- Users add value to Facebook by posting pictures, liking, etc.
- Users add value to Amazon by shopping for goods
- Users add value to Google by searching
5) Users receive no financial upside by using these platforms and trying to improve them

They have no ownership
6) Now imagine if Facebook announced that they were creating 1 million profiles that users could purchase and be traded between users.

But instead of just posting pictures on your profiles, users could build anything they wanted: ecommerce store, mini-game, website, etc
7) That would instantly become the most valuable virtual real estate in the world - the “Manhattan” of the internet
8) The next social network, e-commerce platform, gaming platform and creative studio will all be on user-owned platforms

Blockchain-based virtual worlds are the first iteration of these platforms
9) Within these virtual worlds entire economies, social structures, and even cultures are forming

This is what the metaverse is all about
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