Just had to ring the hospital & request a vaginal scan, rather than a pelvic one, because my GP uses an outdated system where you can't book men for vaginal scans, or women for prostate scans etc! Love having to out myself continually to strangers over the phone to get treatment!
My GP: I've tried writing it in the notes. I'm sorry idk what more I can do for you.

Me: Ok... But i like need this scan for my health?

GP: *shrugs* I don't have time to chase this.

Me: .... I guess I'll just ring the hospital myself then? And try to get them to change it?
The Hospital: Sorry but your GP booked the wrong thing.

Me: Yeah cos of their system.

Hospital: Well we don't have an issue with that on our system. We can book men for vaginal scans.

Me: ...Okay but my GP can't so is someone gonna give me this scan or?????
Imagine if I was a trans man who was super dysphoric about this stuff and just decided to never get checked... The system is failing us in so many ways - not just in hormones or surgery, but the basics of preventative general healthcare.
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