Can't remember where I saw the tweet, but it's stuck in my head:

More men should learn to tell their stories as a device to winning hearts. Women do not necessarily have to. A woman can get what a man has been struggling to get for months, in minutes, just because she's pretty.
Female privilege is a thing. Male privilege might also be a thing, but it's not as common as female privilege. It's a glaring truth. However, you can not fault the woman for being privileged. It's life, so as a man, you just have to deal with it.

The only chance to we get... being close is by sharing our wins. Time and again, we have seen women get rewarded just for showing cleavages. It's the society a few men have created, and again, we can't fault them - it's their choice, really.

As a man, tell your story. You complete a project? Tell it.
You win an award? Tell it. You helped someone achieve their dreams? Share that story. That's the only way you can build value for yourself. You would never be equal to a woman on some basis. Life is unfair to men, a lot.

This is an aspect many men have not hacked.
You are not being humble by hoarding your success stories. You are depriving yourself of the deserved recognition; one that a woman does not have to put in that exact effort to get.

Let me point out here, that this is not to dispute the struggles women face from some men.
As a matter of fact, this thread has nothing to do with that.

Essentially, it is a call for men to be more vocal about their wins. Unless you want to hoard them (for personal reasons), you are not doing too much by sharing your stories to the world.

Do it. And do it well.
You can follow @ToyosiGodwin.
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