Since I am SICK of the heteros saying Oh My God is NOT a gay song, that the lyrics do not talk about anything related to homosexuality and reading things like ''it talks about self-love'' or ''trusting yourself'' I strongly feel the need to make a thread on this;
I'm here to show that OMG is indeed a very gay song
Before I begin I have to say I could not care less about these girl's sexual orientation or their private life, I'm not implying in any way their preferences, this was simply a gift from our goddess Jeon Soyeon for the gays, a gift that we strongly appreciate
Since explicitly talking about homosexuality in kpop could be ''controversial'' for some and things like same-sex marriage are still not legal in South Korea no one was gonna say ''here's a gay song, enjoy'', it is understandable if they wanted to be cautious about it
but contribute to the support of the lgbt community or simply express themselves at the same time. What I mean by this is that if the girls were asked about the meaning of the lyrics CLEARLY it woulda been hard to reply ''well, it talks about a gay relationship between girls :)''
and sadly it could’ve been a little risky.

It is just a song (a great one that deserved video of the year, but that's another matter ) so don't take this too seriously, if you think you can be offended by it or this thread, feel free to get outta here :)
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