I've been thinking about this journey of mine and thought I would share some tips (which might not be that useful but I hope they are).
1/ It is ok to feel overwhelmed when you start a PhD and being unsure about what it actually means.
2/ A PhD is NOT a longer MA thesis. It goes beyond that and it is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be weeks/months where you feel that you can't do anything: research/writing: IT IS OKAY.
3/ Make friends with other PhD students. Doing a PhD can be a lonely process but if you share it with fellow PhD students, it makes it more enjoyable and less lonely. You all have different topics but you are all under the same type of pressure.
4/ Start with the historiography. Go to the library (if you can) and go through different trends of historiography. You might think "oh I've already done that for my MA thesis or for my PhD proposal", I'd say THINK AGAIN. Sit down and READ. Trust me you'll be inspired.
5/ Do not start with a chapter outline right away. Now that you have your historiography done. Go to archives. But be IMAGINATIVE. Order boxes you wouldn't want to order. Sit down and go through EACH MANUSCRIPT carefully. BE Sherlock Holmes. Pay attention to DETAILS.
6/ Make sure to look after yourself and your mental health. It is okay to feel overwhelmed. Reach out to your supervisor. Find mentors that are not your supervisors. Reach out to your community.
7/ Last tip and a practical one: go to a conference the first year of your PhD EVEN IF you don't have much to say or no paper at all to present but it is time to see what academic conferences are about and to start networking.

Hope this helps.
Take care people!
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