This is a YA (might be upper MG) that contains... *upbeat music*... recipes. I know this is impossible in trad publishing (wait for the deniers to jump into my mentions like bathers in a hot tub)
I love to experiment and write things that might not sell in trad publishing (or approved by gatekeepers). Recipes are one of the ways I shake the boat (or least, I kick it soundly).
But... I often wonder why the hype when one of the big boys and girls does it and suddenly recipes are a thing and trendy. Suddenly, it's OK... 🙄😂😁
Of course, in an ideal world, I will have beautiful illustrations and nicely written recipes, backed up by an ardent publisher and vocal fans.

Note: only in an ideal world.
But why, Joyce, why do you like to write unsellable (i.e: not marketable) stuff?

Because I can.
Because I, the writer, has the agency.
Because I love it.
It's hard for creatives these days. Stand by your own integrity or sell out (because mate, we still need to eat). And then if you do sell out, wait for the brick bats and dragging to start.
I know this is about Pearl of the Palace (and the Dragon Sisters books), but it kinda segued into integrity in this chaotic and often shifting world of ours. :P

/end thread
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