Is there a British English equivilant of ”Howdy y’all” cos right now all I can think of is ”Ey up ye buggers”
Lot of people suggesting ”Wotcher?” (Short for ”What cheer?”, a good greeting for people who enjoy both prancing and capering).

I.. cannot even say this word. Not after the last time...
I’d been living down south for about 5 years as a kid, and then was unceramonously dumped back in the wilds of Lancashire.

A few days later I saw a kid I recognised. I raised my hand to them, smiled and said, “Wotcher?”
This kid looked at me with such disgust and obvious desire to murder me on the spot that I realised I’d made a terrible terrible mistake and that my life was going to be me, at school, being “corrected” for terrible Southern ways from now on.
This after 5 years of being called Scottish by the damn posh rich shits in the southern school. The moral of the story is... never go back.
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