@TEWV Unsurprisingly, I logged out of the Big Conversation overnight.
Now, I can't log back in. On the "Home page" (pic 1) there is a huge text saying LOG IN.
But it is NOT a link to a log in page.
The URL of the page (Pic) says it is the 1/n
2/n log in page. But all you can do is sign up.
If you get to the sign-up page (pic 2), it doesn't offer you a link to log in.
Competent web designers ALWAYS include that option alongside a sign up page.
3/n Helpfully, when I put my email address in, it says I am already registered and tells me to go to the "home page" (Pic 1) where (please start reading this thread again,.
4/nNow. I expect I can work out a way around this eventually. But to anyone coming to the site for the first time, this is a stupid circular linkage which will have them decide, in a very few minutes, that it just isn't worth the bother.
Another major "success" in the comms team's unending efforts to communicate as little as possible. Nice work.
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